Mandatory Tryout Information Parent Meeting-Tuesday, March 11th, 2025, 6pm room 248 at Edison HS

Tryout Clinics (where the tryout material is taught), Tuesday/Wednesday April 8-9 ; 3:00-6pm at EHS.  Tryouts on Thursday, April 10th -returners 2-3:15, new members 3:15-4:30pm.  Wear athletic clothing and athletic shoes to the tryout clinics.


Parents-please read the 25-26 Parent Meeting Handout completely, we will be going over this info at the meeting


2025-2026 Tryout Application-this application must be printed and filled out completely to participate in the tryout process.  Applications will be available at the parent meeting on 3/11/25, and will also be available from the EHS receptionist starting 3/12/25.

2025-2026 Tryout Application

District Physical Form (must be turned in at day 1 of the tryout clinics to participate).  Must have MD Stamp and signature.   Physicals are valid for 12 months, a new physical must be on file every year.  Completed physical forms may be submitted with the tryout packet or brought to the first day of clinics.  Required to participate in clinics.  Contact your MD office ASAP to schedule or an urgent care/minute clinic that completes sports physicals.  NO EXCEPTIONS


2025-2026 Cheer Handbook/Contract-Please read through this in its entirety before trying out.  

2025-2026 Cheer Handbook


Please check out our YouTube channel to start learning our fight song and other cheers we will be posting.

Link to YouTube of fight song



General Requirements: 

All students who wish to tryout for cheer, whether they are returning members or not, must turn-in an application packet (posted on this website, a hard copy may be requested and available for pick up from the EHS office, please email to arrange) and be present at all three days of tryouts (2 clinics and 1 performance in front of judges-special circumstances must be arranged in advance). Incoming freshmen, transfer students, and other Edison students are eligible for any of our teams if they meet the following requirements:

Minimum requirements for JV or Freshmen Cheer 

  • positive attitude, hard worker, team first attitude
  • the desire and enthusiasm to learn jumps, tumbling and stunting skills
  • cheer experience preferred but not required
  • at least a 2.0 GPA from the most recent semester/trimester, preference given to higher gpas
  • good recommendations from Math and English teachers and teacher/coach of choice
  • Willing and able to make the full-year commitment, cheerleaders are not eligible to participate in any other Edison sports as cheer is both a fall and spring semester 6th-period class and is after school, evenings, and weekends.

Minimum requirements for Varsity Cheer

  •  Tumbling requirement:  standing or running handspring, more points will be awarded for more advanced tumbling passes (varsity competition team will require more advanced tumbling skills and cheer experience)
  • open to 9th-12th graders
  • positive attitude, hard worker, team first attitude
  • extensive cheer experience, including stunting experience
  • clean, sharp motions, clean jumps
  • at least a 2.0 GPA from the most recent semester/trimester
  • excellent recommendations from Math and English teachers and teacher/coach of choice
  • Willing and able to make the full-year commitment, cheerleaders are not eligible to participate in any other Edison sports/band/choir/apa as cheer is both a fall and spring semester 6th-period class and is after school, evenings, school holidays, and weekends.
  • Cheerleaders will be enrolled in 6th-period cheer for both the fall and spring semesters and are not eligible to participate in other Edison sports.  Cheer will earn PE class credits and will earn a letter grade for the course.
  • We Cheer at football and basketball games as well as some baseball games and other EHS sports.  We perform at rallies and community events. We compete in local and national competitions.
  • All practices, games, and competitions are mandatory.  Some events are evening and weekends and on school holidays.
  • Spring practices begin right after tryouts three days a week and are after school at Edison usually 3-6pm until summer break in mid-June.
  • Summer practices begin in mid-July and go through school starting at the end of August.  August is a very busy month with overnight summer camp, minicamp, and football season usually begins mid-August.  Please avoid scheduling vacations during August.
  • USA Overnight cheer camp July 17-20th at the Indian Wells Hyatt-optional.
  • Annual program costs (May 2023-April 2024) are approximately $3000 (the exact amount varies depending on if it is a new squad member or returning member) paid throughout the year including overnight camp, competitions, uniforms, and team practice/camp wear, and coaching.


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